What You Need to Know About Microneedling

30 November 2022

If you have facial complaints such as scarring due to injury or acne, wrinkles, loose skin, or rosacea, microneedling is a skin treatment option that may be able to help. Be aware, there are at-home rollers on the market, but they do not deliver the same results as you will receive by having a certified professional administer a professional-grade treatment in office. So, if you want to receive the full benefit of microneedling, you should opt for a professional procedure.

How It Works

Microneedling is also referred to as collagen induction therapy. Collagen is a naturally occurring substance in the skin that provides structure and helps keep it stretchy and supple. However, several factors can cause collagen production to decrease. Injury to the skin that causes scarring can reduce collagen production, and the body also tends to produce less of the substance as it ages.

Microneedling skin treatment involves puncturing the epidermis, i.e., the top layer of the skin, with a series of very tiny needles. Though the puncture wounds are invisible and usually no bleeding occurs, the treatment causes trauma to the epidermis. This stimulates collagen production as part of the healing process, which helps to correct other skin complaints related to wrinkles, scarring, loose skin, large pores, or discoloration. Some types of microneedling procedures also infuse serums or other wrinkle fillers into the skin for added effect.

What Treatment Entails

It can take a while for you to see the effects of microneedling because the skin needs time to regenerate following treatment. While many people receive the treatment only on the face, microneedling can be performed on any area of the skin.

To prevent you from experiencing any pain, your dermatologist will apply a topical anesthetic to numb your skin about an hour before your procedure. He or she will then use a tool about the size and shape of a pen to make small pricks into the epidermis of the targeted area. This part of the procedure takes about 30 minutes. Your doctor then applies a serum to calm the skin and prevent pain or side effects.

What Risks and Benefits Are Involved

  • Tightening of loose skin
  • Reversal of sun damage
  • Repair of visible scars
  • Reduction of deep wrinkles as well as fine lines
  • Brightening of skin

Microneedling is generally considered a safe and effective skin treatment. Because the needles only penetrate a few millimeters into the epidermis, it is considered noninvasive.

However, microneedling isn't for everyone. People with open wounds, certain skin conditions (e.g., eczema or psoriasis), or a recent history of radiation therapy, or who are currently pregnant are not ideal candidates. There is also a small risk of side effects such as minor skin irritation, peeling, bruising, infection, or bleeding. The risk of bleeding may be more pronounced if you have a clotting disorder.

If you're considering microneedling, be sure to factor in the cost, which can range from $100 to $700 dollars. As an elective cosmetic procedure not related to medical treatment, microneedling is usually not covered by insurance.

Dermatology San Antonio provides a variety of microneedle treatments. To find out about this and other cosmetic skin treatments available, contact our office today.

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